Minecraft does not weaken and exceeds 144 million copies sold
The new director of the Minecraft franchise replacing Matt Booty whose role is now to oversee all Microsoft studios, Helen Chiang was contacted by the Popsugar site and provided an update on the health of Minecraft by revealing some data.

There 11 months ago, Minecraft accounted for 122 million copies sold through Sony consoles, Microsoft, PC, and mobile. In 2021, the game expanded further on Switch (May 11) and New 3DS (September 13). Today, the counter shows 144 million sales, but perhaps the most interesting figure for Microsoft is that of active users. While we were talking about 55 million players in early 2017, Minecraft broke its new record with 74 million users spent on the game in December.
Players that Microsoft always dreams of unifying as much as possible (Sony still rejects cross-play with other consoles) despite the multiplicity of platforms, which requires the deployment of the Better Together update on Switch. First scheduled for the end of 2021, this update has finally been postponed and should arrive ” fairly quickly ” on the Nintendo console, in the words of Helen Chiang. The other major stages in the development of the Minecraft franchise for 2021 are the aquatic update (which opens the doors to a new underwater ecosystem) and the update of the graphics engine, a task all the more complex as it must be compatible with all the platforms concerned.